Italian Notary, Estate Administration, Insurance Claims, Citizenship, Legal Translations
Our office prepares notarized documents for filings in Italy. Our clients, typically residing outsideof Italy, wish to transfer assets, sell Italian real estate, claim insurance proceeds or other assets, or to understand elder law in Italy. Our areas of concentration: Italian Inheritance law (Le successioni) Italian Citizenship. We also assist in determining Italian Estate Taxes, if any. Our office offers professional guidance with claiming Italian postal bonds and Italian insurance administration.
Non-Italian Attorneys may contact us for assistance on Italian estatefilings according to Italian succession law and related procedures. Probate procedures do not exist in Italy. Our experts can also provide assistance with understanding Italian Elder Law.
Notary procedures for filing documents outside of Italy
General Power of Attorney (not recommended)
Limited Power of Attorney (used for Italian property sales, property management, rentals)
Delegation of Authority to accomplish a single operation
Claiming Italian Life Insurance Benefits
Required: Name of insuring company, policy number and names the beneficiaries. Having only the name of the insurance company we will make contact in writing, and expedite the complex procedures required in Italian inurance administration.
Italian Death Certificates
Italian death certificates are obtained in the Italian town in which the death occurred or where the deceased resided. However, our clients can obtain any certificate in short order by requesting them directly.
Italian Property Records
The Italian Government data base is organized in two parts: land only holdings (terreni) or buildings (fabbricati). The information contains exact map location of the properties, sizes, and owners on title, even if deceased many decades ago. The heirs of those deceased may file to take ownership according to Italian law.
Italian Bank Accounts
Every Italian bank must maintain in their respective data base records all financial activity for 10 years. From the 11th year of non-activity funds are transferred to the Italian Government Repository in Rome. To claim funds one must know the name of the bank and the account number and have a closing statement of the bank before the funds were transferred to Rome.
Italian Wills & Recordings
A foreign will can be recorded in Italy and is considered valid. The recording of a will is filed in the succession department of the Italian courts.
Italian Inheritance Law By Succession and Taxes
Italian law gives precedence to the decedent’s will but also provides for a minimum share of the estate to the immediate family members (legittimari). Italian law also protects the decedents’ creditors. The filing of estates in Italy do not follow probate procedures. Note: No inheritances taxes for the immediate family up to Euro 1,000,000.
Italian Property Transfers to Heirs
The rights of Heirs to Italian assets is accomplished with a succession filing recorded with the Italian Revenue Department, called the Agenzia delle Entrate.
Italian Property Sales & Giftings
The seller and buyer of Italian real estate usually agree on the terms of the sale in a Preliminary Contract (contratto preliminare) which may be officially recorded. Our ItalianLaw experts can assist you with Gift Italian Property and Italian Gift Deeds. These terms are legally binding with reimbursement of damages for violating or withdrawing from the final act, the escrow (Il rogito) or mandatory sale. The escrow must be recorded in in the Italian Government in the data based called “la conservatoria”. There is no such document called a deed in Italy. One may see the completed recorded transfer to the new owner(s) via the internet on-line.
Italian Property Taxes
Personal property taxes on Italian real estate are not sent to a property owner in the mail nor by email. Property taxes are not based on what is known outside of Italy as the “assessor’s valuation” but rather on a system called “rendita catastale” which sets forth the basis for the calculation of the amount, called IMU.
Property taxes in Italy are paid twice a year, typically through an Italian bank.
Italian Citizenship
A foreign citizen and resident may obtain Italian citizenship commonly by “blood” (juris sanguinis) or by marriage (juris matrimoni). More detailed information is available at any Italian Consulate. If you need personal assistance please request an appointment by calling 866-694-5500 or by eMail to:
Italian Translations
All translations into Italian must pass the approval of Italian Consulate Legal Department of absolute completeness and exact nuance. The absence of these two criteria will cause a translation to be rejected. Difficulties arise when concepts based on common law (US, England, Australia, New Zealand) which do not match the reality Italian standards. The most arduous translations involve the verbiage of trusts, wills, and marriage settlement documents. Only very experienced translators, preferably those with Italian law degrees or Italian attorneys should be selected.
Italian Unclaimed Asset
Your unclaimed properties most likely are still in your name even after many decades. The children of emigrants may still be able to reclaim their ancestor’s property according to Italian succession law. This holds true for real property, bank accounts, unsurance payouts, and even old Italian Postal Bonds.
ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES, LLC svolge un servizio essenziale per chi risiede all’estero e deve effettuare trasferimenti di proprietà in Italia o ricercare beni immobili, conti finanziari o titoli già intestati o da intestare.
In tutti questi casi, il ruolo di uno studio pofessionale come ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES è determinante non solo per far comprendere concetti giuridici e tecnici a chi non parla l’italiano o non ha famigliarità con atti giuridici e procedure amministrative, ma anche per gestire i beni che possiede in Italia.
Le conoscenze e l’esperienza acquisita nelle relazioni giuridico-amministrative Italia-USA ha consentito ad ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES di diventare un punto di riferimento anche per gli italiani che devono effettuare transazioni od adempimenti fiscali negli USA. In questi casi è infatti possibile ottenere informazioni, fare ricerche di proprietà, passaggi di eredità, vendite, senza doversi spostare né sforzare ad apprendere meccanismi e terminologie nuove.
ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES segue passo dopo passo il cliente o il suo legale fornendogli assistenza o rappresentandolo personalmente attraverso i suoi operatori in Italia, ottenendo i documenti necessari per svolgere transazioni e procedure, effettuando traduzioni e asseverazioni di traduzioni, pagamenti e transazioni bancarie e facendo da tramite con i legali italiani in caso di procedura giudiziale.
ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES è una compagnia con sede negli USA e uffici in Italia, che si differenzia da altri studi operanti nel settore non solo per l’offerta completa, e per certi aspetti unica, dei servizi richiesti dal cliente (dalla ricerca o dalla semplice comprensione di documenti all’acquisizione o cessione di beni) ma anche per la dedizione al cliente che non trova pari in altri studi operanti a livello internazionale. I nostri operatori non si dividono compiti nè delegano ai cosiddetti collaboratori, ma seguono personalmente tutti gli aspetti della prestazione richiesta dal cliente.
Nuestra misión:
Recuperar la propiedad de su familia en Italia que le pertenece a Ud.
ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES, LLC (Servicios de Idioma Legal Italiano, LLC) ofrece servicios esenciales para aquellas personas que viven en el extranjero y necesitan transferir propiedades en Italia o investigar bienes inmuebles, cuentas corriente u otros instrumentos financieros.
En estos casos el papel de un representante profesional tal como ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES es clave para que aquellas personas que no hablen Italiano puedan entender los conceptos legales y técnicos de Italia. Si Ud. desconoce los aspectos técnicos, administrativos y legales de Italia entonces nosotros le proveeremos servicios para que Ud. entienda los conceptos.
El conocimiento y experiencia que hemos adquirido en asunto administrativos y legales tanto en Italia como en EEUU nos permite ser el punto de referencia para aquellos que necesiten ayuda y explicaciones sobre como gestionar transacciones de transferencias de bienes raíces, herencias y requisitos fiscales. En algunos casos de hecho es posible obtener mas información para investigar el estado de la inscripción de un inmueble, investigar la cadena de titularidad, sin que Ud. tenga de viajar o verse obligado ha aprender todo el mecanismo legal y la terminología técnica relacionada al rubro.
ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES sigue el proceso paso a paso para el cliente o su abogado y provee asistencia o lo pude representar actuando en representación o a través de terceros para obtener información sobre la propiedad, la condición en que esta se encuentra y quien vive en ella actualmente.
Efectuaremos todos los procesos legales necesarios tales como traducciones acreditándolas ante en los tribunales italianos, efectuando pagos para el cliente y revisando transacciones bancarias, además también podemos ser la conexión entre abogados italianos y Ud. si es necesario si ya hay uno involucrado en su caso.
ITALIAN LEGAL LANGUAGE SERVICES es una compañía internacional con oficinas en EEUU e Italia y se diferencia de otros servicios profesionales por que ofrece servicios completos. Hacemos las investigaciones preliminares, la adquisición de documentos, ayudándole a entender documentos complejos, cuando Ud. hereda, cede o dona algún activo.Nuestra dedicación completa al cliente es parte esencial de nuestro mandato. Nuestros contactos para servicios especiales no delegan sus responsabilidades, mas bien personalmente proveen la información para entender su caso.
Tal ves seamos los únicos que podemos satisfacer a los clientes en casi todas las necesidades y en este tema haciéndolo todo mas fácil.
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